A serendipitous Facebook scroll one night in 2019 sparked my love of kantha quilts! As a busy mom of two, I was searching for a way to supplement our income & make a difference in the world, without sacrificing much time with my daughters. A photo of three stunning Kantha quilts popped up in my Facebook feed and I fell in love with the vibrant colors, the patterns, and the rich cultural stories these textiles told! It was love -possibly obsession- at first sight! That night I bought 5 quilts online and stayed up late researching the rich history of the quilts, the fabrics, and the living conditions of the women who make them.
Over time, l figured out how to import & where to ethically source them from. When my first bulk order arrived and I listed each quilt on Facebook Marketplace, it became clear that I wasn’t the only person drawn to kantha quilts. My passion grew into a home-based business that allowed me to help cover medical bills, be present for my family, and in a small way help women in poverty on the other side of the world. After 4 years, hundreds of returning customers, and thousands of quilts shipped across all 50 states, I am more excited than ever to share my love of kantha with you!
About Mandy
Hello, I’m Mandy! I’m 40. I’m a ginger. I love camping, Mexican food, bright colors, singing, my family & friends, staring at campfires or stars for hours with people I love, reading good books and Christmas! I have a daughter with Koolen-de Vries Syndrome and am passionate about spreading KdVS awareness. (Google it!) I’m almost always barefoot, use exclamation points way too often, and like glitter more than any sane adult should…and of course, I love Kanthas!
My Tech Hottie
I married a tech hottie (it’s like a tech nerd, but waaay better) named Aaron, who is my opposite in almost every way! His super intelligent, logical brain makes it hard for me to decide if I want to kiss him or strangle him some days, but I adore him and have become a better version of me because of him!
My 3 Little Loves
I have 3 amazing girls and I love them fiercely for their individual strengths, weaknesses and personalities. My greatest joy in life is watching them grow into beautiful little humans who are compassionate and kind hearted!